Legend of the Death Race – Part 2: The Ultimate Trial of Mind, Body, and Spirit Begins

June 29, 2012By Tony MatesiDeath Race, News, Race Reviews, Story 1 Comment

The “Hints” briefing was fairly short, I even maneuvered myself further and further from the crowd as I realized nothing too serious was actually going to be revealed. One thing they did tell us that I actually believed was that we should wear shorts that night. If there is one thing important to learn about the Death … Read More

Motivation from Buddha

April 23, 2012By Tony MatesiDeath Race, Motivation No Comments

“Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures tha the final victory comes.” – Buddha If there is one thing I learned this weekend at the Spartan Sprint in Indiana during my two back to back laps, it was that my endurance is one of my strong … Read More