The Manual

A Philosopher's Guide to Life

Author: Epictetus
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Quick Summary:

This modern translation of the writings originally by Epictetus gives incredible insight into how we can live a more fulfilling life.

From Goodreads:

"Epictetus (c. 50-135 CE) was brought as a slave to Rome, where he became a great teacher, deeply influencing the future emperor Marcus Aurelius among many others. His philosophy, Stoicism, was practical, not theoretical--aimed at relieving human suffering here and now.

And Epictetus knew suffering. Besides being a former slave, he was lame in one leg and walked with a crutch. After a decade of teaching in Rome, he was banished by Emperor Domitian; undaunted, he established a school in Greece.  

The Manual is a collection of Epictetus' essential teachings and pithy sayings, compiled by his closet student. It is the most accessible and actionable guide to Stoic philosophy, as relevant today as it was in the Roman Empire.

This new edition is rendered in contemporary English, with a foreword, by Sam Torode. A companion volume,  The Meditations: An Emperor's Guide to Mastery by Marcus Aurelius, is also available from Ancient Renewal. "

Why Read It?:

The Manual is one of those books with age-old wisdom that provides practical and implementable principles to living a fulfilling life. I listened to this on audiobook during one of my many hikes/mountain runs that I've been doing lately and it helped to reinforce many of the Stoic principles I've been trying to learn to live by for the past few years. If you want to become a happy person, who is aware of what they should and shouldn't expend their energy on, this book will provide you the wisdom and guidance to help you understand life. I highly recommend Stoic philosophy as a way to level yourself and get control of your own temperament. Personally, since diving down this path, I've learned to get less upset at the things that are out of my control, whether it be someone cutting me off on the highway (I have no control of their actions, why get upset?) or at my computer for working slower than I'd like it. If you haven't read anything on stoic philosophy this is a great place to start. I wish I would have read this when I was much younger.

If you've already read the book or if you decide to give it a read, and leave a comment about the book below or in the Facebook Group. I'd love to hear what are your personal legends! 

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