Well today felt almost like Christmas, my new Fiskars x27 Axe arrived today along with some KT Tape which is used to help minor injuries such as shin splints! So the workout I originally planned was immediately scrapped in favor of taking my new axe out and swinging it at all the wood stumps I have gathered. What an amazing difference it was going from the old wooden handle axe to this precision crafted, perfectly balanced, masterpiece of an axe. I was thrilled to find out within my first strike that their claim of more this axe’s ability to deliver “more one-strike splits” was shockingly accurate. CRACK! The stump I put out split straight down the center as I came smashing through it. Yes, I have fallen in love with my x27 instantly. Thank you Amelia, and everyone else who suggested I go with this axe!
I spent a good hour or so chopping wood. Intermixed with the wood splitting, I also did a short run with my 50lb gravel filled bucket and another with my 30lb sand filled bucket. To end the night I ran a short half mile with my dog around the block. I also utilized my trampoline’s frame for doing over and unders since the netting and actual tramp is not set up yet. All in all it was a fantastic workout.